Summer Softball 2010
Congratulations to the 2010 Bracket Winners!
2010 HC Champs – Gaspar Physical Therapy

Gaspar Physical Therapy – Hotel California Division Front row kneeling (L to R): John Showers, Greg Beauchane (Manager), Elliott Turner, Paul Konopka, Brad Bozell, & Dan Watts. Back row (L to R): Jay Dodge, Ted Henson, Thomas M Addy, Mike Karr, David Surrey, Jamie Hughes, Doug Long, & Raul Garcia. Not in photo: Scott Baker.
2010 Elvis Champs – Truett Labs

Truett Labs – Elvis Division Front row kneeling (L to R): Joe Kechter, Chuck Blomberg, Jack Allegretti (Manager) & Rich Chillingirian (Asst. Manager). Middle row (L to R): Jeff Sobieski, Alan Fisher, Bobby Van Epps, Dennis Foley, Craig Grether, & Larry Silvett. Back row (L to R): Bernie Vitek, Paul Yezbak, Henry Vanderweit (parital face view), Bob Raasch (partial face view), & John Murk. Not in photo: Mike Glass and Jim Van Der Platt.